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How to make children smarter

I believe that parents want their children to be smart and not lose on the starting line. So how to make kids smarter? In fact, parents can do some small things in their daily life, activities and habits to help their children's intellectual development. For example, talk more about what happens in life with children, encourage them to read more, cultivate interest, and play games and activities with children. These little things in life are full of parents' love for their children, which is beneficial to the healthy development of children's body and mind.

1. Read more

Reading can help children read more, improve their reading ability and develop their intelligence. When the child is still a little child, parents can read more books and speak more for their children, which can promote their children's language ability. When children grow up, parents read books to their children and encourage them to read more books, read meaningful books, and read children's story books or picture books that children are interested in. This can cultivate children's good habit of reading. Parents can also ask what they see in the book to promote their children's language organization and expression ability. Older children can talk about their views on the characters and stories in the book, encourage them to think more and promote their thinking ability.

2. Communicate with your children more

Communicate with your children more. For example, talk more about the trivial things in life with children. Ask about your child's feelings, opinions and opinions. Talk to your children when they have a little emotion. Ask them what they did today and encourage them to continue to try. Talking about things in daily life may be a small thing, but it can establish a good parent-child relationship, which is beneficial to the communication between parents and children.

3. More exercise

Children who love sports are healthier and smarter. Moderate physical exercise can promote the blood circulation and metabolism of brain tissue, develop the potential function of right brain, stimulate and exercise the sensory ability of limbs. For example, playing ball can promote children's hand eye coordination, enhance muscle strength, and improve planning ability. Exercise, can also shape a brave personality, cultivate children's courage and courage, let children to challenge, to explore. More exercise, more exercise, to give children a healthy physique, is beneficial to children's intellectual development and health.

4. Go out more

Parents can take their children out to learn more about the outside world and get close to nature. They can go to zoos, museums, art galleries, science and technology museums to increase their curiosity and knowledge. Or take children to travel, broaden their horizons, explore the unknown world, see the scenery of different regions, understand various historical cultures, and feel different customs.

5. Multi game

Games not only bring joy to children, but also promote the development of children's cognitive ability, physical ability, social ability and emotional intelligence. Games are also learning partners. In the process of playing games, children can give full play to their imagination, stimulate creativity, which is beneficial to the development of learning ability. Parents can prepare some educational toys for their children, such as puzzles, paintings, building blocks, Rubik's cube, etc., so that children can use their brains more. They can also make handicrafts and model making together with their children.

6. Develop interest

Observe children's interest points and cultivate their interests. If children like painting, it can promote children's color cognition, spatial structure ability, creativity, and enhance self-confidence. When parents are free, they can take their children to see the art exhibition, or take the Sketchpad to paint in the countryside, and encourage their children to record their feelings with a brush. Or children like music, playing music can stimulate children's creativity, improve attention and memory, simply listening to music can stimulate children's hearing sense organs, but also can promote brain development and intellectual development. Then parents can sing with their children, and in order to increase fun, they can also sing and dance with their children. If children are willing to go to the interest class, parents should pay attention to the key points of interest cultivation, not only to honor their children, but also to let them explore their creativity in an interesting way

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